Hungarian citizenship application: Sidney’s story

Hungarian citizenship application: Sidney’s story

2020 was a year of reflection for many of us. Sidney, for example, spent  a lot of time thinking about his Hungarian ancestry, and became interested in acquiring Hungarian citizenship. Because of that, he contacted Helpers Hungary to arrange his citizenship application. After submitting his request for citizenship, he sat down with our account manager Barbara to discuss his Hungarian ancestry, his reasons to apply for citizenship, and his experiences with the application process.

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11 April: the Day of Hungarian Poetry

11 April: the Day of Hungarian Poetry

Last Sunday was 11 April: the birthday of Hungarian poet Attila József and the Day of Hungarian Poetry. Usually, this date is celebrated with cultural events such as poetry recitals and book presentations, while some coffee shops let you pay with a poem instead of money. In this blog post, we explain the background of Hungarian Poetry Day and tell you how it was celebrated this year.

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