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Állampolgársági konzultáció

megkeresés havonta
sikeres konzultáció

A magyar állampolgársághoz vezető út a konzultációval kezdődik. Szakértő kollégánk részletesen bemutatja az eljárást, és azt, hogy milyen lépések vezetnek az állampolgárság megszerzéséhez.

A 2005-ben alapított Helpers átfogó üzleti és személyi asszisztenciát nyújt nemzetközi ügyfeleinek. A magyar állampolgárság megszerzésére szakosodott csapatunk örömmel áll rendelkezésére!

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megkeresés havonta
sikeres konzultáció
200 USD
(+27% áfa = 254 USD)
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A konzultáció során az alábbi témákról adunk tájékoztatást:

  • Jogosultság alapja
  • Kérelem beadásának ideje és módja
  • A kérelem benyújtásához szükséges dokumentumok
  • Szükséges magyar nyelvismeret
  • Ütemterv
  • Magyar útlevél előnyei
  • Családi kedvezmények

A konzultáció után részletes, személyre szabott tájékoztatót küldünk.

A konzultáció díját jóváírjuk, amennyiben megrendeli teljeskörű szolgátatásunkat. 


Ügyfeleink véleménye

  • Author profile picture
    Y Schwartz
    I’m writing this review because the lawyer I spoke with before helpers (who is high up in the google search results) wanted 150 euro before he would say a word to me about my Hungarian visa issues. By contrast, Helpers were kind, attentive and extremely fair. Anna is an excellent and sharp advocate, she helped me quickly and effectively, and I can’t recommend Helpers enough. (In retrospect, I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised to find an idealistic and capable firm when of all the names available, they chose the name Helpers.)
  • Author profile picture
    Chris M
    Helpers was dedicated to facilitating my case. There were several instances where I thought I would not succeed and I simply would have been lost in the maze of bureaucracy without them. The initial application submission assistance is convenient and relatively easier than doing it yourself, but the real value in this service is having a third party closer to the inside that is more fluent in the language and can help eliminate the inevitable confusion and complication. Rest assured Helpers can simplify and illuminate the path to success for you.
  • Author profile picture
    Selcuk K
    I would like to thank Ekin and Anna who helped me from the beginning to the end from company incorporation, opening a company bank account and obtaining a residence/work permit. Their communication was very positive and constructive and always solution oriented. The Helpers are very professional and when I need an opinion or ask for an update, they are very quick to respond. I can recommend them to everyone.
  • Author profile picture
    Aliasgar S
    We opened our company in Hungary without any hassles, you guys are highly professionals and it shows the way your handle your clients Thanks to whole team of helpers, especially Tala Shalati, Emilia for your prompt support and handling all queries with patience
  • Author profile picture
    Helena M
    My experience with Helpers team is excellent. During almost a year of cooperation we opened LLC company in Hungary, I received residence permit for 2 years. I have assistance in finance questions, accountancy, legal questions. All problems are solved in prompt and smart way. During this journey there were a lot of difficulties and complicated questions, plenty of request from authorities. But due to Helpers assistance actually I’m absolutely sure that any problem could be solved. They are like a part of my company. And I’m confident about this part. I strongly recommend to establish your business in Hungary with Helpers. You will receive a pleasure from their problem-solving and communication skills. And your company will work properly for sure. Also my special thanks to Tala Shalati, Anna Kőszegi, Norbert Tekler, Tímea Köbli and Tamara Szabó. I really appreciate that my acquaintance with Hungary began with you!


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Ha nem kap választ, állítsa be a megbízható feladóként, vagy hívja fel irodánkat!

Hétfőtől péntekig
9:00 – 17:00 CET

Helpers Hungary Kft.

Budapart Gate

Dombóvári út 27.

Budapest, 1117 Hungary


Irodánk a 2. emeleten található, és az „A” bejárat felől érhető el.

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