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Paquete de solicitud de ciudadanía

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Desde el asesoramiento personalizado inicial, le proporcionamos una hoja de ruta clara para que su solicitud tenga éxito. Su familia y usted podrán obtener la nacionalidad y los pasaportes en 8 o 12 meses.

Helpers, fundada en 2005, es la empresa líder de Hungría en servicios integrales para empresas y particulares de todo el mundo. Somos especialistas en soluciones empresariales y servicios de inmigración y reubicación.

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Paquete de solicitud de ciudadanía
(+27% IVA = $3.302)
Contacte con nosotros

Solicite la ciudadanía húngara con los servicios de Helpers. Compre este paquete y disfrute de la consulta sobre ciudadanía de manera gratuita.

El paquete incluye:

  • 2 asesorías personalizadas
  • Asesoramiento sobre todo lo necesario para que la solicitud se acepte
  • Preparación de los formularios de solicitud
  • Soporte para la redacción de su biografía
  • Obtención de traducciones certificadas de sus documentos vitales al Húngaro (hasta 10 documentos)
  • Valoración lingüística por parte de nuestra escuela de idiomas colaboradora (una ocasión, en caso necesario)
  • Declaraciones escritas para los oficiales estatales o del consulado.

Soporte a lo largo de todo el proceso hasta que tenga el pasaporte húngaro en la mano.

Descuento para familias
Hasta el 55%
Contacte con nosotros

Solicite la nacionalidad húngara de manera conjunta con su familia. Aproveche nuestras soluciones a medida y disfrute de un descuento significativo. Compre este paquete y disfrute de la consulta sobre ciudadanía de manera gratuita.

Contacte con nosotros para obtener un presupuesto personalizado. En su mensaje, indíquenos el número de:

  • hijos menores de edad
  • hijos mayores de edad
  • otros parientes adultos que realicen la solicitud de manera conjunta
Recomendación a un amigo
15% de descuento
Contacte con nosotros

¿Quiere regalarle un descuento significativo a un familiar o amigo?

Si usted ya se cuenta entre nuestro clientes, recomiéndenos a su familiar o amigo y le ofreceremos un 15% de descuento en el paquete de solicitud.

Haga que obtener la ciudadanía húngara les sea mucho más fácil.


Qué dicen nuestros clientes

  • Author profile picture
    Seungho C
    I recently had the pleasure of working with Helpers Hungary to obtain a residence permit and set up a company as a foreigner, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with their exceptional service. From start to finish, the team at Helpers Hungary demonstrated professionalism, efficiency, and a genuine commitment to helping me navigate the complex processes involved. Their expertise and knowledge in handling residence permit applications were evident from our first interaction. They guided me through every step with clear instructions and timely updates, ensuring that I had all the necessary documents and information. The entire process was smooth and stress-free, thanks to their meticulous attention to detail and proactive approach. Setting up a company in a foreign country can be daunting, but Helpers Hungary made it a seamless experience. They provided comprehensive support, from choosing the right business structure to handling all the legal formalities. Their local insights and understanding of the Hungarian business environment were invaluable, allowing me to make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. The team’s dedication to their clients’ success is truly commendable. They were always available to answer my questions, address my concerns, and offer practical solutions. Their friendly and approachable manner made me feel at ease throughout the entire process. In summary, Helpers Hungary exceeded my expectations in every way. Their professionalism, expertise, and unwavering support were instrumental in helping me achieve my goals. I highly recommend Helpers Hungary to anyone seeking assistance with residence permits or business setup in Hungary. They truly did a great job, and I am incredibly grateful for their outstanding service.
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    M Alexander
    I cannot speak highly enough of Helpers Hungary and their incredible staff. From the moment I contacted them regarding my journey to become a Hungarian citizen through the simplified naturalization procedure, they provided unparalleled support, guidance, and expertise. Their professionalism and dedication were evident every step of the way. Not only did they assist me with the intricate application process, but they went above and beyond by helping me locate and procure vital records of my Hungarian ancestor, a task I had struggled with for months. Their commitment to ensuring every detail was in order was truly remarkable. What sets Helpers Hungary apart is their genuine passion for helping their clients succeed. They took the time to understand my unique situation and provided personalized advice and recommendations, including assistance with translating my application and suggesting language courses to prepare for my interview with the Hungarian consulate. Thanks to Helpers Hungary, I am now one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming a Hungarian citizen, and I couldn’t be happier or more satisfied with the service they provided. I wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone seeking assistance with their citizenship journey. Thank you, Helpers Hungary, for your exceptional service and unwavering support.
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    Nadezhda N
    When I was searching for a company providing business registration and support services in Hungary, there were many that from the very beginning consulted with complete disinterest in clients. But it is not about Helpers. We were fortunate to have Tala Shalati as an account supervisor. She is a great professional. To work with her is a pleasure since Tala is very sympathetic and helpful. I chose Helpers only thanks to Tala. As for company incorporation, it went smoothly, quickly, and without any issues. I would also like to mention an accounting support. I am satisfied with the work of the accounting team. They shared a guide with the essentials of Hungarian accounting, explained main accounting deadlines, helped to install an invoice issuing program, and explained how to use it. Every month, I receive an email from the accounting team to provide invoices and banking statements for the last month. Therefore it is not possible to miss important deadlines. If any urgent questions or issues, I feel free to contact the chief accountant and she gives prompt and detailed consultation. Aside from this, she is very much helpful and friendly. I would continue to cooperate with Helpers and recommend them to others.
  • Author profile picture
    Ana Z
    I used Helpers Hungary services to search for my ancestor’s documents and I am very satisfied with their proffessional approach. Zsofia, who was in touch with me is very helpful and kind, and she was always awailable to quickly resolve all my inquieries. They are well organized, give a clear guidance through all the necessary steps, and I would definitely recommend them to anyone wanting to obtain Hungarian citizenship.
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    Ekaterina K
    I would like to express my gratitude to the team of Hungarian Helpers, Adam, Martin, Timea, Atilla, especially Tala, who has shown herself to be a professional employee, knowledgeable in all the processes of the company – I dedicate this review to her. Thanks to Tale, all processes were coordinated great, she united the work of different departments and promptly answered all questions. Tala clearly explained all the stages of registration and the tasks that, thanks to her help, were solved very quickly. I have extensive international experience with different service providers, but this time I was very pleasantly surprised by the very clear and well-coordinated work of the team. And once again I want to note the irreplaceability of Tala, who has become my lifesaver in various matters. She always stayed in touch and gave feedback. I would also like this post to be read by the company’s management and special thanks to Tala in the form of bonuses and bonuses-) Thanks to her well–coordinated work, efficiency in decision-making at the first meeting, we decided in favor of Helpers services and thanks to this, a new client appeared in your company in the person of us. And for customers, such feedback – if you decide to interact with Hungarian Helpers – look for Tala, she will become your right hand in all matters!


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De lunes a viernes
9 a. m. – 5 p. m. hora central europea

Helpers Hungary Kft.

Budapart Gate, Entrada A, Piso 2

Budapest, Dombóvári út 27.

1117 Hungary

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